If the mass hauls is Wblocked, all objects that are required for it will be copied. With the Trim command, the object can be selected as a trim edge, but cannot be trimmed. With the Extend command, the object can be selected as an edge to extend to, but cannot be selected to extend. Using the Explode command keeps the layer and display settings. The Move command disassociates the figure from the model. Using the Offset command on a survey figure generates a feature line object, not a survey figure. The move command disassociates the figure from the model. Using the Copy command on a survey network creates feature lines. EGLs (energy grade lines) and HGLs (hydraulic grade lines) are not drawn.You cannot apply masking to structure objects.You cannot apply hatching to structure objects.If you set structure display style as Solid: Wblocking pipes and structures copies all dependent objects. Scaling a pipe or structure affects position but does not affect size. Moving or rotating a pipe breaks the connection to any connected parts. Moving or rotating a structure causes any connected parts to move with it. Pipe network objects are not accessible through the AutoCAD Civil 3D Object Enabler environment.Ĭopying a network part profile will create a copy of the parent network part (pipe or structure).Ĭopying, mirroring, arraying, and offsetting pipes and structures updates the references of any connected parts.Ĭopied pipes and structures will be in the same network. Mirror will create a copy but will not honor the mirror settings.Ĭopying or Wblocking a corridor copies all of the dependent data such as assemblies, alignments, and surfaces. Copying an assembly copies the assembly and all dependent subassemblies. The names of assemblies and subassemblies are incremented when copied. If the objects are copied into the same drawing, a new site is created. If the sample line, section, or section view is Wblocked, all objects that are required for the sample line, section, or section view (such as the surface, alignment, sections, and sample lines) are copied. If the profile or profile view is Wblocked, all objects required for the profile or profile view (such as the surface, alignment, profile, sample lines, and sections) are copied.
Profiles and sections can only be moved vertically within a view. If the grading criteria references a surface, the surface will be included in a Wblock/Insert operation.Įrasing a profile or section erases it from all profile or section views. Copying the entire grading object copies the footprint, target, and criteria. Copying the footprint feature line or individual target line creates a new feature line in a new site. There are two distinct copy operations which can be done on a grading object. Wblocking/Inserting the parcel segment lines creates segment lines in a new site. If the objects are inserted into the same drawing, a new site is created. When copying or Wblocking a parcel, the dependent parcel segments are included. Dynamic profiles belonging to these will also become static. If the alignment is a dynamic offset or curb return, it wll become static. The copied alignment will be in a new site with a new name. Dynamic profiles belonging to these will also become static.Ĭopying or Wblocking an alignment copies the alignment and all dependent objects. Dynamic offset or curb return alignments will remain when the parent is erased, but become static.